Today I'm 17 years old. I was born on 27 April 1992.
The day of Saint Montserrat, patronsaint of Catalunya, but I'm not called Montse.
The year of the olimpic games in Barcelona.
My mother was 29 and my father 30 years old,
I have always lived in the same house. I didn't go to nursery school because my grandfather took care of me. Then I started the infant school in St Pere, I stayed three years. Later I went away to a school in Figueres, La Salle where I stayed ten years.
But now I am doing first batxillerat in IES Castello d'Empuries.
For my birthday my parents gave me a beautyfull watch, my gradparents, money, my friends, a pair of shoes, bracelets,...
But I wish I was 18 years old.
THE SONG (extra points)
Fa 15 anys