divendres, 15 de maig del 2009


Today I'm 17 years old. I was born on 27 April 1992.
The day of Saint Montserrat, patronsaint of Catalunya, but I'm not called Montse.
The year of the olimpic games in Barcelona.
My mother was 29 and my father 30 years old,
I have always lived in the same house. I didn't go to nursery school because my grandfather took care of me. Then I started the infant school in St Pere, I stayed three years. Later I went away to a school in Figueres, La Salle where I stayed ten years.
But now I am doing first batxillerat in IES Castello d'Empuries.

For my birthday my parents gave me a beautyfull watch, my gradparents, money, my friends, a pair of shoes, bracelets,...
But I wish I was 18 years old.

diumenge, 3 de maig del 2009


Nowadays the day of “Sant Jordi” is a special day. People are very happy because they work a short day, They plan to have some free time to go out to the town centre and visit the special market with stalls selling books and roses.
Men give a rose to their wife or girlfriend, and women give a book to their husband or boyfriend. Not only lovers buy roses and books, some men buy roses for their colleagues and everybody buys a book for their friend or themselves.
Some schools have stalls to raise money for their end of course trips. At schools teachers organize different activities related to literature like writing poems or short stories, reading texts or watching films. Finally the best ones receive a prize.
At home it is a special day, because my fater is called Jordi and my parents celebrate their wedding aniversary, so we have a dinner party.
Don’t forget to congratulate Jordis an Jordines.

the SPRING in costa Brava.

Spring has come at last, in costa Brava, right in time for Easter. We enjoy long walks in the mild spring air, enchanted by the beauty of the blossoming flowers. We regain the will to live and love, we are longing for warmth, light and colours and we reawaken our senses. Energy, exercise, sun, blue sky, singing birds, the sea – spring rouses our spirits and a sunny intermezo on the beach is a real treat after the long cold winter.
Easter in Costa Brava, that meant to say farewell to the long grey winter.