Normally we go away on holidays with my family, we have been to Amsterdam, Madrid, The Basc Country, but this year I was too busy and we didn't go away.
On Friday we went to Vic, to see some Friends who live there.

They showed us some of the towns in the area. We left Sant Pere, my village, at 8 am and when we arrived in Vic, we met to go to St. Miquel del Fai, a beautiful place built in the rocks, but it's also known for its wonderful waterfall.
When the visit was finished we looked for a restaurant in the town of Taradell.
after lunch we visited other towns, and the dam in Sau, which is completely full.
Next we walked arround the center of Vic, but the shops were closed.
Finally our friends took us to their hometown where we had dinner.
It was a tiring but enjoyable day.
On Saturday I went out with my friends. We went shopping and we had dinner together and to end the night we went to the disco.
The rest of the days I stayed home to do my homework and study for the next term.
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