I was born in sant Pere Pescador, on 27th of April 1992.
My mother was 29 years old then. Her name is Mª Teresa. And my father name’s is Jordi.
They had got married a few years before, and they built the house where I was born and where we live now.
When I was four years old my brother Pau was born, the people think that we are similar.
My father works in the building sector and my mother is an administrative in the town Hall.
My brother is in first course of ESO in Castelló d’Empúries .
My father was born in Albons and my grandparents live there. When he was the boyfriend of my mother he didn’t like Sant Pere and he wanted to live in Albons. When they got married, my mother preferred to live in Sant Pere and finally they decided to live here.
Now my father has many interests, he goes fishing, hunting and he makes wine.
I was born in sant Pere Pescador, on 27th of April 1992.
My mother was 29 years old then. Her name is Mª Teresa. And my father name’s is Jordi.
They had got married a few years before, and they built the house where I was born and where we live now.
When I was four years old my brother Pau was born, the people think that we are similar.
My father works in the building sector and my mother is an administrative in the town Hall.
My brother is in first course of ESO in Castelló d’Empúries .
My father was born in Albons and my grandparents live there. When he was the boyfriend of my mother he didn’t like Sant Pere and he wanted to live in Albons. When they got married, my mother preferred to live in Sant Pere and finally they decided to live here.
Now my father has many interests, he goes fishing, hunting and he makes wine.
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